Tuesday, June 9, 2015

I Want, I Think, I Feel - But What Does God Say?

   If indeed you have declared your status as a believer in Jesus, His death, burial & resurrection, then this question is highly important to you. If you belong to Jesus then you no doubt have experienced mistreatment of some form or another whether on an extreme level or not. 
  I felt a heightened need to to address importance of turning all our questions to the Lover of our souls. In light of so many injustices done to a huge number of people whether related to race, culture, creed, gender or individual personality differences - we need to remember that we are called as the Body of Christ to walk in unity & love. You have to do some deep research and soul searching with God to find out what that looks like in your own life. Vast numbers of people around us are deeply hurting & lashing out at others around them and it's seems as though it is increasing! How are we reacting to this outbreak of wretched behavior? 
   Sometimes I notice myself looking for perfection rather than the heart of the matter and see the opportunity to reveal God's love, grace & mercy. If you seek perfection in people you will find yourself constantly offended! So what is the answer? Seek perfection and all the love you need in the One Who is, was and always will be - perfect. He is love. 
   Cast off the self-righteousness that always seeks to be right & is always concerned about it's own rights. Self righteousness will have you constantly judging and comparing till you are blue in the face - enough is enough already! 
   Isaiah 64:6 says that our own righteousness is as filthy rags. What is self - righteousness? It's all about what we think is right or we think should be the right way. Many people will even take certain scriptures in order to back up their own lifestyles. This is false Christianity. Just as Jesus laid down His life for us on the cross, we are called to sacrifice our own lives and many times what we think for the sake of His call. (Romans 12:1-3) He gave up everything He desired for us, why would we think we should give any less than that for Him? 
   Instead of twisting scripture out of context and only taking verses that you like to fit who you think you are - get real with God, let Him know you hunger & thirst for true righteousness and you surrender to however He wants to change you, whatever He planned for you when He first created you. You want His perfect will now because that is your true destiny. God does most of His work in you little by little - so don't force anything but just pay close attention to learning to be sensitive to His voice, spend time in His presence daily as often as you can, receiving His love & acceptance of you as you are. Let God's Word read you as often as your inner self wants. Spiritual hunger is very similar to physical hunger - so don't get it confused & start eating food when your spirit is hungry! Learn to lay down your life daily for Him. 
   Do not be like the "self-righteous" & foolish person who builds their house on sand & great is the eventual fall of that house. (Matthew 7:21-27) "Sand" in verse 26 represents mankind or man's way of thinking to be more specific, since we were literally made from dirt. 
   Our goal, those who truly know they belong to Jesus is to build our house (our lives) on the Rock - on the revelation of God's Word, taking all scripture not just the parts we prefer and walk in obedience to the best of own personal ability. The key is to honestly give God all your best and He will do the rest. You do your part and He does His part. 

   There is so much more to say about walking in God's righteousness and not our own - so it's quite likely you'll see a Part 2 & 3. Questions or comments please! Even prayer requests are very welcome!!



  1. Confidence is in puts confidence in us. Amen thanks for the reminder !

  2. Yes! That is definitely so true "Confidence in Him puts confidence in us." This scripture just came to me from Proverbs 14:26 - "In the fear of the Lord is strong confidence...."
