Sunday, June 12, 2016

Own It & Don't Look Back

No longer am I after perfection. Excellence? Yes. My idea of perfection is ridiculous anyway & it's just another excuse to procrastinate doing what my heart has been longing to do all along. I am back to writing again & I'm letting go completely of "my plan" & "my expectations."
I am owning my responsibilities and no longer looking back in doubt over what I originally decided. God has revealed my assignment in various ways over the years & to be brutally honest with you & myself, I simply procrastinated due to fear & laziness. I had my little excuse bag going strong. Those excuses were so subtly running through my mind that it was even comforting to hear. Excuses like: "I will do that today but first I have to do this.." And "but when I sit down to write - my mind goes blank." Or
"I'm too tired." "I'll remember that subject when I wake up tomorrow." The very important, "family first!" And the all-time famous, "I just don't have time right now."
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Embracing your assignment can be a gut-wrenching process especially when beginning to establish specific boundaries with those closest to you. Because whenever it's a new thing your starting, your family may not respond so well & you have to be ready to endure through it all. It is good to count the cost for sure. But sometimes you just need to step out, start & trust God to part the waters for you. After all, He wouldn't call you to do anything He hasn't fully equipped you for, would He? No.
So whatever it is, writing, singing, starting a business, creating anything you feel God has laid on your heart. Take up your responsibility (take up your cross), embrace it, nurture it, invest in it & follow His lead. Repent & return back to the place He has for you - a place free from procrastination, owning your actions & decisions & never looking back in regret or doubt, knowing that He will use & redeem it all for yours' & others' good!

This message is a little shorter than most I've written, but who cares - I'm stepping out of the walls of "writing rules" and just writing - if anything to at least get this daily habit flowing!!
Because no longer do I want to allow my concerns with rules, expectations & obligations to stop or clog the flow of God's Spirit anymore. I am ready to let His grace flow through me freely. He did actually say, "Freely you've received, freely give." Okay Lord, here I am, flow through me.
I am Your yielded vessel. My life is not my own. Have Your way please.


  1. A lot of truth here to be reminded of. Looking forward to reading more posts, thank you!

  2. Thanks so much Deborah!!
    I have not figured out whether subscribing to my posts is even available at this website.

  3. This message is so timely! As my father passed away this week I found myself somewhat lost. I was moving back home after a while at dads and we were to care for him in our home. I have found myself in a place of wanting to start over, knowing that I have not been living in faith but in fear. Our gifts are not our own, they are for others. This inspires me as I know I am not alone. Each day we make a choice and today I choose to learn and to make a difference. Well said Dustifaith! I look forward to reading your daily posts!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! I recently had brain surgery so I'm no longer even sure I ever saw your message until now. I'm so glad to know that this article helped you somehow. So encouraging. I stopped writing for awhile after becoming very distracted from my purpose for awhile. Thank God I am back. God bless you & I hope you are doing well these days!
