Saturday, July 20, 2019

Solid as a Rock Baby

Throughout my life, I've noticed that, generally speaking, there are two kinds of people. The soft-hearted and the hard-hearted people. Now that being said, there are varying degrees on both sides of the spectrum of course. Most people would think that obviously being soft-hearted is the goal. But any good student of the whole entire Bible, meaning you don't just take some things you like and ignore the rest, knows that there are times to be soft-hearted and there are times God calls us to be more tough or solid. Finding balance between the two and timing are key. And discerning those moments can only come through quality time spent in God's presence in an ongoing consistent manner.                                     
I've been learning this very difficult lesson for many long years and honestly it's quite humbling to know I'm still not there yet. Why in the world we as human beings have such a struggle just trying to be still and offer to God time set aside to hear Him speak with us? Not sure about you, but I've no trouble sitting still to watch a new movie I'm totally pumped about seeing. So what is it? Is it fear of what God might say to us? As for me, most likely that's it. Correction can hurt. But at what point do we learn to love it as Proverbs says we will if we're among the godly?
For me, I know that I've been in seasons where I welcomed correction and others where I have not.
To be quite honest, I've been in one of the seasons lately where I've been resisting the correction of the Lord and hearing His voice in certain areas. And today I woke up with a strong desire to write again and I believe He wants me to write about it. Because this is a difficult place to be, knowing your current desire to resist God is bigger than your desire to please Him.
The scripture below from Isaiah 41:10 is extremely comforting to me and I hope it is to you as well. This is His promise to us and though you may have had plenty who never kept their promises or their word to you, He ALWAYS does. Let this promise become tucked away safely in your heart, let it bubble up and meditate on it as often as needed. He's faithful to deliver us in His perfect timing. Trust.

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