Saturday, July 20, 2019

Solid as a Rock Baby

Throughout my life, I've noticed that, generally speaking, there are two kinds of people. The soft-hearted and the hard-hearted people. Now that being said, there are varying degrees on both sides of the spectrum of course. Most people would think that obviously being soft-hearted is the goal. But any good student of the whole entire Bible, meaning you don't just take some things you like and ignore the rest, knows that there are times to be soft-hearted and there are times God calls us to be more tough or solid. Finding balance between the two and timing are key. And discerning those moments can only come through quality time spent in God's presence in an ongoing consistent manner.                                     
I've been learning this very difficult lesson for many long years and honestly it's quite humbling to know I'm still not there yet. Why in the world we as human beings have such a struggle just trying to be still and offer to God time set aside to hear Him speak with us? Not sure about you, but I've no trouble sitting still to watch a new movie I'm totally pumped about seeing. So what is it? Is it fear of what God might say to us? As for me, most likely that's it. Correction can hurt. But at what point do we learn to love it as Proverbs says we will if we're among the godly?
For me, I know that I've been in seasons where I welcomed correction and others where I have not.
To be quite honest, I've been in one of the seasons lately where I've been resisting the correction of the Lord and hearing His voice in certain areas. And today I woke up with a strong desire to write again and I believe He wants me to write about it. Because this is a difficult place to be, knowing your current desire to resist God is bigger than your desire to please Him.
The scripture below from Isaiah 41:10 is extremely comforting to me and I hope it is to you as well. This is His promise to us and though you may have had plenty who never kept their promises or their word to you, He ALWAYS does. Let this promise become tucked away safely in your heart, let it bubble up and meditate on it as often as needed. He's faithful to deliver us in His perfect timing. Trust.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

A Well-Watered Garden

Have you ever heard the old 50's tune, "Big Girls Don't Cry?" No, not your era? Okay what about the 80's song, "Gonna Harden My Heart?" Maybe, but most likely you've heard the most recent by Fergie also called "Big Girls Don't Cry." Believe it or not there are plenty of other songs throughout the decades that seem to bring the message that crying is something only weak people do. Especially when you have no good reason to cry! So often I heard my parents say, "Stop that crying or I'll give you something to cry about!" So for most of us, it's pretty easy to grow up with the message embedded in us that crying is somehow wrong or at least sends a message to others that we're a weanie & we don't handle life well.
Little Girl Crying with Tears

But I'd like to shine a little light on this area in hopes that it might set someone free. Years ago I made the discovery through my relationship with Jesus that crying is both a truly beautiful & cleansing thing to do, for women & men alike. Crying actually reveals, depending on the timing, our weakness & our great strength. It is authentic humanity in action & illuminates the truth that you possess a heart & soul.

For over 21 years I've researched & observed people & their feelings about crying. And honestly crying has gotten a pretty bad wrap. Personally, I cry very easily. Even a sad or touching commercial can have me "boohooing!" But in my teens and early twenties I literally despised crying with a passion. Because whenever I cried, especially if I felt there was no good reason or others could see me, I felt stupid. I think many times if we grow up with any level of dysfunction in our upbringing & those around us felt threatened or angered by our tears - as a result we received the negative message that only babies, kids and weak-minded people weep.

So does the Bible mention crying, weeping and sobbing? Yes quite a bit actually. A well-known man of the Bible, King David -aka "A man after God's own heart" cried so much he mentions it over & over in the portions of scripture he wrote. Here are several verses to get you more familiar:
Psalm 30:5 Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.
Psalm 126:5 They who sow in tears shall reap in joy and singing.
Psalm 56:8 You number and record my wanderings; put my tears into Your bottle -- are they not in Your book?
Psalm 18:6 In my distress [when seemingly closed in] I called upon the Lord and cried to my God; He heard my voice out of His temple (heavenly dwelling place), and my cry came before Him, into His [very] ears.

What awesome news! The Lord hears our cries! He cares so much about our tears He puts them in a bottle! 
So what are some reasons that we might find ourselves tearing up or even weeping heavily?
•Overwhelming Joy
•Pain - Emotional or Physical 
•Motive/Reason Unknown
Emotional pain comes in different forms:
•Weariness or exhaustion

There are quite a few reasons people cry but what about when you find yourself crying and you have no clue why? That's when we really feel silly huh? But I would like to suggest to you that is exactly when you should allow yourself the time & space to release your soul to experience a cleansing process of renewal. I sense very strongly that God is working through us as well as in us during those times. If we believe & know His Spirit lives in us then we should be totally accustomed to this way of living - it's part of our calling & our purpose, no matter how difficult it is to understand. It's during those times I myself feel closer to Him than ever - His overwhelming Presence taking me over to work His will in the earth. It brings Him joy when we surrender our emotions in this way.
One last scripture I leave you, Romans 8:26-27- "So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groaning a too deep for utterance..."
Not all the time, but sometimes when we feel like crying & yet have no clue as to the reason - yes, it could be hormones maybe but it could be the Spirit of God within us moving us to a place of intercession for others in this earth who are in pain & in need. You've been looking for a place for God to use you. And here it is. There's nothing more loving & powerful than praying for others - laying down everything to care for people you may have never even met. 
"....And you shall be like a well-watered garden & like a spring of water whose waters fail not." Isaiah 58:11
God bless you as you seek Him & His will with all your heart!

Own It & Don't Look Back

No longer am I after perfection. Excellence? Yes. My idea of perfection is ridiculous anyway & it's just another excuse to procrastinate doing what my heart has been longing to do all along. I am back to writing again & I'm letting go completely of "my plan" & "my expectations."
I am owning my responsibilities and no longer looking back in doubt over what I originally decided. God has revealed my assignment in various ways over the years & to be brutally honest with you & myself, I simply procrastinated due to fear & laziness. I had my little excuse bag going strong. Those excuses were so subtly running through my mind that it was even comforting to hear. Excuses like: "I will do that today but first I have to do this.." And "but when I sit down to write - my mind goes blank." Or
"I'm too tired." "I'll remember that subject when I wake up tomorrow." The very important, "family first!" And the all-time famous, "I just don't have time right now."
Own It Branding Iron Ownership Claim Responsibility Stock Photos

Embracing your assignment can be a gut-wrenching process especially when beginning to establish specific boundaries with those closest to you. Because whenever it's a new thing your starting, your family may not respond so well & you have to be ready to endure through it all. It is good to count the cost for sure. But sometimes you just need to step out, start & trust God to part the waters for you. After all, He wouldn't call you to do anything He hasn't fully equipped you for, would He? No.
So whatever it is, writing, singing, starting a business, creating anything you feel God has laid on your heart. Take up your responsibility (take up your cross), embrace it, nurture it, invest in it & follow His lead. Repent & return back to the place He has for you - a place free from procrastination, owning your actions & decisions & never looking back in regret or doubt, knowing that He will use & redeem it all for yours' & others' good!

This message is a little shorter than most I've written, but who cares - I'm stepping out of the walls of "writing rules" and just writing - if anything to at least get this daily habit flowing!!
Because no longer do I want to allow my concerns with rules, expectations & obligations to stop or clog the flow of God's Spirit anymore. I am ready to let His grace flow through me freely. He did actually say, "Freely you've received, freely give." Okay Lord, here I am, flow through me.
I am Your yielded vessel. My life is not my own. Have Your way please.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Going Deeper with God

For thousands of years, the people of God have experienced times of putting on a facade that brought about the appearance of godliness. Today is no different, matter of fact it’s quite the epidemic among the body of Christ, yet there are many that are not even aware of their inconsistent behavior. However, the true people of God will begin (at some point) to notice themselves behaving inconsistently with what they SAY they believe. What happens when what people think of us becomes more important than what God thinks of us? Or when our times of prayer and reading the word of God have become a mere check off of our “to do” list? We must often ask ourselves and God some important questions if we are going to endure to the end by faith. It is imperative that we ask God to search our hearts and reveal His Truth, for according to His will we are to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Now you may be thinking, “I believe in Jesus for my salvation, He definitely lives in me. I am definitely not the same since He changed me. Oh yes, my faith is strong!” But let’s go a bit deeper. You may already know that no one is above deception, meaning that we all can be deceived, even the elect according to scripture. The Lord says in Jeremiah17:9(AMP) that “the heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly perverse and corrupt and severely, mortally sick! Who can know it [perceive, understand, be acquainted with his own heart and mind]?” In verse 10, the Lord says that He searches the mind and tries our hearts. From this and other areas in the Word we could discern that without knowing the still, small voice of God through time spent in His presence, communing with Him in His Word and prayer, we truly couldn’t say that we know or understand what our true motives are.

As we grow closer and closer to Jesus, all of us will begin to find many areas of our behavior that is in disagreement with the will of God. Therefore, our relationship with Him must be so solid and intimate that we admit it and bring this behavior to Him, asking Him to change our hearts and show us our responsibility in the cleansing process. Not all behaviors come out of us just because we decided to receive God’s forgiveness and the blood of Jesus for that area. God has given us a responsibility and we must seek His guidance to know what that is. Otherwise, we’re walking in foolishness and presumption. God will not do our part, He will simply stand back and wait until we call on Him repenting, asking Him to show us our part.

I have experienced this in my own walk with God and it was very hard to accept and admit that I had merely pretended my faith-walk for many years. Yet it was extremely freeing and the ONLY alternative outside of being like a Pharisee or Sadducee, which you may remember that Jesus made it well known how He felt about their works. I came to a desperate place several years ago when I realized that I was a “people pleaser”. I battled this often by speaking right confessions saying, “I’m a God pleaser not a man pleaser.” I gathered a couple verses and committed them to memory and spoke them off and on, but it was not from the heart. I never asked God how to go about it, I assumed this was how all problems were to be handled, just declare and pray the Word of God. Many times I felt God tugging at me to spend time studying, meditating on the Word and just listening for Him. But I was in a hurry! I had things to do! Very important things! Because if I didn’t get them done, God forbid someone might get mad at me! 

Around this time, I began to find so many inconsistencies in my behavior that I could no longer bear it. I had become a sorry example of a Christian from my perspective. I didn’t pray or read my Bible very much anymore. I didn’t care when people shared their problems, nor did I want to pray for them. Everything became a duty, something I HAD to do in order to be “walking by faith.” I also became very frustrated with others and began to blame people and situations for my failures. I felt as though I was stuck and had no power over my situation. I had fallen into depression, which took me 7 months before I would even consider the possibility of depression or even admit it. After all, I had to keep a “right confession”. God began dealing with me to temporarily forget about keeping a right confession so much and just focus on the “Truth” about where I was- to just be honest with Him and others, instead of acting as though I was still “sold out for Jesus,” when I knew I wasn’t.

Jesus said in John 18:37(AMP) that “Everyone who is of the Truth [who is a friend of the Truth, who belongs to the Truth] hears and listens to My voice.” But what we have to constantly check ourselves about is “are we really taking the time to wait and listen to His voice?” I have been learning more and more that God is not on my schedule and I can’t rush or control Him. It’s like saying to Him, “you’ll have to hurry up today God, I only got about 15 minutes so come on, speak to me, show me Your will and prepare me for this day.” Some of you may barely get that much time in the morning. And I understand everyone is in their different season, just make sure you are letting God show you other opportunities to spend time with Him throughout your day. He’ll increase your time later on as your seasons change. But please know that 5 years down the road there should be some changes that have occurred in you and how you spend your time with God. We just need to be careful that we don’t fall into the practice of ritualistic formulas in prayer. That leads us no where fast! I have finally begun to realize that what truly matters is that we’re led by His Spirit and since we definitely need His help, we should push through our feelings to do it His way and not ours!

If you also have been noticing inconsistencies in your behavior, rejoice! God is showing you the Truth that can make you free. That’s step one though, now here’s your part. Admit it! Despise the sin! Throw it off of you like a dirty rag and run to His mercy seat. Now, receive, receive, and receive the grace of God! Ask God to create within you a clean heart and renew a right [persevering & steadfast] spirit within you. (Psalm 51:6AMP) This verse of prayer must be a continual cry from your heart to God as you often identify with your need for Him to change you and make His truth known within you. Ask Him to strengthen you in your inner man and give you the holy determination to keep your word. Ask Him to restore the power to make decisions and keep them! Now you must decide to believe that all things are possible with Him. Put all your trust in Him and His Word. He will do what you can’t. He can and will turn your messes around. Now, last but definitely not least practice being quiet and listening for His voice everyday, it may be difficult at first but just tell your flesh to calm down and HUSH. Because those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to the cross and crucified them there! (Galatians 5:24NLT)


Freedom From A Shredded Mind

Distractions and interruptions today are an extremely common occurrence, especially if you have children or a high-pressure job. In my experience, having children increases the distraction so much that you think your brain has turned to butter by the end of the day. I have four awesome children and love them dearly. Though two of them are grown and gone, I do understand why my mother used to plead to have “a little peace and quiet!” As we age and grow a little wiser, we all long for a more focused and peaceful mind. Yet I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone into the kitchen and found myself asking, “What did I come in here for?” Can you relate? Think it’s harmless? Think again.

The hordes of hell are attacking God’s people today in the area of distractions, interruptions, hindrances and delays. Most of the time, it’s the enemy attempting to bring our minds into such a state of fragmentation that we end up being “ripped to shreds,” as I heard our lady pastor say one time. If we allow it, our minds will go in six different directions within a single moment! We must be alert in our times of multi-tasking; to be sure we’re not sowing towards this way of thinking. Satan’s goal is to have you switching quickly from one thought to another so often that your focus is obliterated (specifically in your spiritual responsibilities), as well as other areas. Even the internet feeds this behavioral routine. But the enemy knows that if he can throw your focus off Jesus (the Word of God) and who God says you are, then you’ll soon be saying and doing things you never meant to. All too quickly, you can become double-minded and we know that a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. (James 1:6-8)

Years ago, I came through a 10-month battle with depression. Mine wasn’t as severe as some cases I’ve heard of, but it was nonetheless debilitating in many ways. I still made it to church, worshiped the Lord and even experienced His presence enough that it brought a smile to my face and a knowing that I’d make it through. Yet I longed for the constant closeness to the Lord I had once known. I asked the Lord what had happened and how I had allowed depression to come upon me. One of the key areas He showed me was this double-mindedness issue.

The enemy knows that if he can cause you to habitually be double-minded, he has brought you to a place of compromise and hypocrisy. If you’ve discovered any in-congruence in your character, please don’t do what I did. Don’t get mad at yourself, walk around depressed and succumb to the guilt and shame for even one day! The devil will try to put an overwhelming feeling of “I can’t do it” on you. But you must keep reminding yourself that Jesus came to make you free. Even now He is revealing truth to set you free. I say to you according to Isaiah 60:1(AMP)-Arise [from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you—rise to a new life]! Shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you! The truth (that you know) shall make you free! Now that is something to rejoice about!

Here are some steps and scriptures to help you get back on the right track! When you look to God to give you His grace He WILL lead you through! You have this promise: “For those who look to Him for help shall be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces!” (Psalm 34:5)

Since God desires truth in our inner being (Psalm 51:6), ask God to reveal more truth to you
and give you the strength and courage to receive it. When He shows you, don’t ignore it and
don’t delay dealing with it. Instead, open up and be honest with yourself and God about everything.
Important scriptures to pray: Isaiah 26:3, Psalm 86:11, 2nd Timothy 1:7 and Psalm 19:14

Don’t think about all the things you think you can’t do; pay attention to the areas that you can do. Think about all He has done and who He is, and thank Him for it often. (Phil.4:8)

      Remember that repentance is all about changing your thinking. If you have been double-minded for very           long you may have weakened your will in a particular area. If you want to repent, but feel you won’t mean       it- then ask God to shower you with His goodness, bringing you into a godly sorrow and true repentance in         the area you have been failing. Make sure you confess your sins to Him and claim His promise that He               forgives you and cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1st John 1:9). Practice this one often!  


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Shack Called Surrender

   So imagine with me that you are getting an email or phone call that completely takes you off guard, something you completely never would've expected. You thought things were going to work out a certain way, you were sure of it and lo and behold, you were entirely wrong. 

 I've found myself in this specific scenario so many times it almost makes my head spin - it use to infuriate me for years until I got tired of that merry-go-round and I finally jumped off.
Now I see it as God just reminding me, "You're not God." It continually reminds me of how important humility is. I mean, the last thing the world needs now is another "know it all."

   As a child I was drawn to what I couldn't understand and angered by it as well. My spirit was pulled into it while my mind fought hard against it because well, it just didn't make much sense to me. And every time it started to, once again as my mind explored all the stories or scriptures of the Bible, I'd always run into something where the dots just weren't connecting.
   So even after getting saved and baptized as a twelve year old, I just pretty much decided to live my own way since I just didn't understand God's way. I did talk to Him though from time to time, usually to complain though and ask Him what was my job here - "Yeah, by the way God, what DID You put me here to do?" I remember this recurring internal message in my gut, "Read the Bible." So when I'd get really desperate I'd pick it up and flop it open to some random spot and read....9 times out of 10 it wasn't anything I could make any sense of at all! So I proceeded to fling it across the room, yelling in frustration to God, "How's anyone supposed to understand this @#* anyway?" Most likely it was a King James Version at the time, but that's beside the point. What is my point any way?

   My point is I was missing one specific key ingredient -- surrender. Just the word itself may make some of you's definitely not a delightful word. And for many surrender is the last place you even try to go, I mean you'd have to pretty desperate to go there. In my twenties, to get to that place I had to suffer and suffer and suffer before I finally let myself go there. Surrender to me looked like an old, ugly and dirty shack about to fall into a pile of rubble at any second. But why does it look sooo bad to so many of us? Because things are not always as they appear. Part of being human means it's in our nature to judge by the things we experience day in and day it can be quite the challenge to even decide to venture down the road of the "unseen." The "spiritual realms." 

  Haven't you always heard there's a reason for everything? Of course, quite a few people are thinking in the cause and effect area. Yes while this may be true in many places in life, there are also spiritual reasons for everything. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12 There is an entire spiritual world all around you that you cannot see nor understand without entering that ugly shack of "surrender."

   Surrender to what? You may be asking. Surrender to love. Surrender to grace. Surrender to mercy. Surrender to God, His plan and purpose for your life and His righteousness....meaning His ways. To surrender is meekness, not weakness though many see it that way. However, the definition of meekness is actually strength under control.

   God's word plainly states in John 3:3 that unless a person is born again he cannot even see (comprehend & experience) the kingdom of God- even more importantly Jesus said it Himself. Obviously He doesn't mean you are reborn in the flesh - it's a spiritual rebirth and you cannot get there without surrendering. 
   While I would love to explore this subject to even greater depths...(maybe in a second post?) I will wrap this up by saying that when we don't understand and feel confused about whatever is occurring in our lives, maybe we just need to return to Him and surrender to His perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). With the eyes of your heart, look unto Jesus, the author & finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2) - He will make many things clearer at the right time. He's not only faithful but extremely trustworthy & He knows exactly what's best for you. How could He not? He created you and knows you inside & out. (Psalm 139)  

   Oh and one more beautiful side note - when you open that shack door and step in - you are going to find the most beautiful & extravagantly huge mansion inside! It's a glorious place I promise!


Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Power of Something New

A New Mirror
  Recently, I got the opportunity to buy a type of mirror that I have been wanting for well over 7 years. Next I will share with you the step by step process this flowed in and what the Lord revealed to me.

1st- My husband gave me his word of agreement that we could buy the mirror (yay!!).
2nd- I inquired of the store personnel about the dimensions of the mirror & proceeded to measure the trunk of our car with the backseats folded down. My findings? Not enough space available to carry it home.
3rd- Saddened by the fact that we had no truck or enough space in our cars, I lie down to sulk. My husband comes to me with some "don't give up" encouragement & then giving me the idea of asking my friend & neighbor (who owns a van) if she can help me with the delivery process.
4th- I contacted my friend & she responded almost immediately with a "yes" and was ready within an hour to help!
5th- We made the shopping trip and delivery together gaining fellowship time, exchanging stories and all.
6th- She was excited about my new mirror, thought it was beautiful & said I had great taste.
7th- The mirror was a little above & beyond my husband's expectations so his reaction was not near as positive. However, it didn't bother me much, I knew he'd see it's beauty after he got used to it. And he did.
8th- The result: The mirror literally changed the whole look of the room. Suddenly I saw the extreme potential of this room, wanting to clean & take care of this room like I hadn't done in years! Truly an inspirational effect!

Newness of Life
   Do you ever feel like you're in a slump, stuck in a rut and you just need a fresh new start? This culture we live in today is in love with the next new thing. Even some marriages end way too easily because couples are chasing after that feeling of starting a "new relationship." Sad but true, especially when kids are involved.
Having new things does feel great from time to time but the effect is usually short-lived. The reminder the Lord gave me was this story's uncanny correlation to the process of experiencing the new things God desires to give to us, which are far more satisfying than any material person, place or thing.

1st- Hearing God's word or His promise to us. 2nd Corinthians 1:20, Proverbs 23:23
2nd- Counting up the cost. What does it take to walk uprightly? Do I have what it takes?
Luke 14:28, Proverbs  31:16
3rd- Realizing we can never be good enough on our own - we need to call on our Friend Jesus to help us carry on. 
Proverbs 18:24, John 15:5
4th- Call upon the Name of Jesus - He is always ready & willing to help! 
Matthew 11:28, Isaiah 41:13, Psalm 145:18
5th- Getting to know Jesus more intimately by spending time with Him.
Proverbs 2:1-11, James 4:8, Jeremiah 33:3, Matthew 11:29
6th- Receive His approval & affirmation - He believes in you because He created you. Psalm 139:17-18, John 15:16, Isaiah 43:4
7th- Not everyone will react in a positive way when you decide to receive His gifts & walk in His ways. 1st Peter 4:12
8th- The result of receiving His new Life, new Covenant, new mercies, new Truth, new Ways, new wine, new passion & new Love has a profound effect in every area of your life. God's personality & ways are so vast you will never be able to know all of Him this side of eternity. He has something new for you to open from Him every single morning & it's His desire to inspire you each & every day in every way imaginable. He wants you to see yourself through His eyes - to have a new hope & outlook for your future. Receiving this newness of life will make you excited to do the work that needs to be done & you'll be amazed at how easy it seems.
That's the power of something new & He created that just 
Isaiah 43:19, Romans 6:4, Colossians 3:10, Ephesians 4:23-24, Revelation 21:5